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- Charlotte Cooperative Purchasing Alliance
UG Compliant
On December 10, 2018, the Charlotte City Council awarded new contracts for Cisco products and services to CDW-G (2019000829), DISYS Solutions (2019000828), and Softchoice (2019000827).
The contracts were competitively solicited by the City on behalf of itself and all other local governments, school districts, and higher education institutions in the United States of America, and other government agencies and nonprofit organizations, and in compliance with the competitive bidding laws of the state of North Carolina.
Contract Initial Term: March 12, 2019 through March 11, 2024
Contract Terms: 5 years with 2 one-year renewals
Renewals Left: 1
Current Amendment #: 2 Expires on March 11, 2025
All quotes must reflect the contracted prices as specified in the Price Schedule of the Contract. Any price reductions, special offerings, sales, or promotions occurring during the term of the Contract, shall be passed on to the Lead Public Agency and all
Participating Public Agencies as soon as they are announced by the manufacturer or Service Provider and shall be considered part of the Contract.
Participating Public Agencies are required to register with the CCPA to use the contracts. Agency registration can be completed at CCPA Agency Registration. There is no cost to the Participating Public Agency.
To learn more about the CCPA or to join us in this partnership, please contact:
Angelica Witherell
CCPA@charlottenc.gov or Angelica.witherell@charlottenc.gov